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5. ¸g­@¾Nªí­±³B²z«á¤§¤­ª÷¹s¥ó¡A¨ã¦³ÆQ¤ô¼QÃú¸ÕÅç(ASTM-B117) 200~1000¤p®É­@ÆQÃú®ÄªG¡C
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1. "Nai-Hsin¡A"the non-chromate method of metallic surface treatment adopt matellic Zn-Al flakes and special inorganic monomer as precursors. With high temperature proceeding(310-340 oC), it prevents the oxygen and moisture in the air and passivate the metallic surface with excellent corrosion-resistance.
2. The coating treatment on finished goods be extremely thin only 6 to 15 um, but it demonstrates much better anticorrosive effect than electroplating and hot dip galvanizing methodes by its high temperature resistance and non-hydrogen embrittlement.
3. The treated products with Nai-Hsin are complied with the limit of ROHS Standard of EU¡Awithout toxic heavy metal Cr(III) and Cr(VI). The United States and Japan also follow this standard.
4. During this process of treatment¡Ait won't be any wastewater and waste gas. It is the best method for environmental protection with powerful product competitiveness at the same time.
5. The metallic products with Nai-Hsin are proved by 200 to 1000 hours for salt spraying test (ASTM-B117).
6. This process could be implemented with spin-coating or spraying.
Screws, nuts, parts of automobile/motorcycle/bike etc, the accessories for bridge, civil engineering, cast iron, aluminum, and any products with corrosion-resistance.
ª©Åv©Ò¦³ © ­@øʪѥ÷¦³­­¤½¥q
B2B Global-Trade, Global Machine, Global Bicycle.
¦a§} : ¥x¤¤¥«¯«©£°Ï¤¤¤s¸ô 667 «Ñ 26 §Ë 60 ¸¹
TEL : 04-2561-2211 FAX : 04-2561-5511 e-mail : ny@nysin.com.tw